Extraordinary General Meeting for the election of a new EI president and EI Annual General meeting
Dear Executives International Member, a very Happy New Year to all!
Following Tom Rosenfield's retirement as President of Executives International, as announced on December 2, 2024, we have initiated the process to nominate and elect our new president.
The statutory procedure is as follows:
Electing the President
- Any candidate for election as President must be nominated and seconded by at least one Full Member. The nominator and seconder must be different Full Members.
- The President is elected by Full Members, by a majority of all votes represented at the General Assembly by secret ballot.
- A quorum for the meeting consists of at least 10 Full Members. In case there is no quorum within 30 minutes from the start time, or the quorum ceases to be present the meeting should be postponed.
- Each Full Member has one vote. Full Members may appoint proxies to vote.
- If there is no majority in the first round and there are more than 2 candidates, the two highest polling candidates shall contest in the second round. The candidate who obtains the most votes in such round shall be declared the winner.
- The chairperson has the casting vote, except where the chairperson is running for President.
All nominations and seconds are welcome from Members (ie., individual, corporate, and virtual) in good standing up to the Extraordinary General Meeting on February 24, 2025 at 6PM CET.
Notice of 2025 Annual General Meeting of Members
Proxy form Executives International
Please note the Association Annual General Meeting will be held on the same day. Both will be via Zoom - the invitations are sent to EI members via email, but will also shortly be available on the events section.
Nominations along with seconds should be sent to: president@executives-int.ch
We look forward to a robust participation in the election of a new president of Executives International.
Best regards,
Mark Kissack - EI Interim President