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Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members  – 12 April, 2021

Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members  – 12 April, 2021

Executives International
Notice of 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members

Monday 12th April 2021


Dear Executives International Members,

Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Members of Executives International (EI) will be held via Zoom on 12 April 2021 at 6pm CET. The meeting is scheduled for 60 minutes duration. You will be notified of the details of the Zoom meeting at least 48 hours prior to the AGM.

The financial statements for EI for the 2020 financial year are appended to this notice in Appendix 2 below.

Notes to the AGM concerning proxy votes and communication regarding the AGM are provided in Appendix 1.


  1. Welcome by the President.
  2. President’s Report.
  3. Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Questions.
  5. Vote on Resolutions.
  6. Close of Meeting.


Members will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below:

  1. To approve the financial statements of EI for the 2020 financial year.
  2. According to the proposal of the Committee, decide not to appoint auditors for the 2020 financial year.
  3. To vote resolution 4 in block for the President and Directors all at once in respect to their discharge of duties.
  4. To discharge the President and the Directors from any liability for the performance of their duties in the 2020 financial year.

by order of the Executives International Committee
Signed notice of AGM to be found here

Registered Office: Executives International, CP 143, 1066 Epalinges Switzerland


1. Entitlement to Vote

Only full members (ie., Individual Member and Corporate Member Representative) whose membership is current at the time of the AGM may vote

2. Appointment of proxies

2.1 If you are a full member who is entitled to attend and vote at the AGM, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at the AGM in accordance with the proxy form included with this notice of the AGM. A proxy does not need to be a full member of EI but must attend the meeting to represent you. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes and the notes to the proxy form. 

2.2 If you do not give your proxy an indication of how to vote on any resolution, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at his or her discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as he or she thinks fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the AGM.

2.3 To appoint a proxy using the proxy form, the form must be:
(a) completed and signed;
(b) emailed to EI for the attention of Richard Heath, treasurer of EI, at treasurer@executives-int.ch; and
(c) received by EI no later than 9 April 2021, 6pm CET.

Download the proxy here

2.4 Any power of attorney or any other authority under which the proxy form is signed (or a duly certified copy of such power or authority) must be included with the proxy form.

2.5 Full members may change proxy instructions by submitting a new proxy appointment using the methods set out above. Note that the cut-off time for receipt of proxy appointments also applies in relation to amended instructions; any amended proxy appointment received after the relevant cut-off time will be disregarded. 

2.6 If you submit more than one valid proxy appointment, the appointment received last before the latest time for the receipt of proxies will take precedence.

2.7 A full member may change a proxy instruction but to do so you will need to inform EI by email to treasurer@executives-int.ch:  sending a scanned signed notice clearly stating your intention to revoke your proxy appointment to EI. Any power of attorney or any other authority under which the revocation notice is signed (or a duly certified copy of such power or authority) must be included with the revocation notice.   

2.8 The revocation notice must be received by EI no later than 9 April 2021, 6 pm CET.  If you attempt to revoke your proxy appointment but the revocation is received after the time specified, your original proxy appointment will remain valid unless you attend the AGM and vote in person.

2.9 Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the AGM and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the AGM in person, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated.

3. Communication

Except as provided above, full members who have general queries about the AGM should contact Richard Heath, treasurer of EI, at treasurer@executives-int.ch. Please note no other methods of communication will be accepted.


Please see EI Financial statements for 2020

Your loyalty to Executives International and your participation as an active Member is greatly appreciated.
Feel free to address questions to Mr. Richard Heath, Treasurer of Executives International at treasurer@executives-int.ch.


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