EI 2020 Calendar in your computer or phone Save all upcoming events with one click to your calendar! We have set-up a digital version of EI 2020 calendar that enables you to save all of… continue reading
This workshop is a must if you want to understand better your personal financial situation and plan a secure financial future. Everyone, no matter at what stage of their life, will benefit from the event… continue reading
Digital Marketing was the featured topic for the Executives International workshop on 21 February. The room was full, with 26 people interested to learn more. Kristiina Urban of UrbWorks shared her insights on how small-… continue reading
Become An Independent Professional Masterclass Save the date – 08:30 - March 7th 2019, Gotham Lausanne Flon, Rue du Port-Franc 22, 1003 Lausanne With a growing number of people considering independence as their next career… continue reading