Enhancing business networking in the Lac Léman region and beyond.



A collection of presentations, white papers, videos and audio for use by EI members only.

This material may not be used for any commercial purposes without the express written permission of the Executives International Committee.
The copyright of the material remains with it’s authors.


Presentation Slides:


January 23rd Speaker Event

Economy and Market Outlook 2020, Presentation by Dan Scott, Deputy CIO Vontobel Wealth Management.
January 23rd Presentation slides

January 23rd Speaker event



February 21st Digital Marketing workshop by Kristiina Urban, UrbWorks Online Marketing.
Presentation slides


January 24th Economy, Market Outlook and Megatrends in 2019 - Presentation by Lars Kalbreier (Chief Investment Officer) from Vontobel Wealth Management
Presentation slides



November 15th Presentation by Peter Brabeck-Letmathe: Nutrition for a better Life
Presentation slides


February 8th Presentation by Michael Møller: Director-General of the United Nations
Presentation transcript


January Presentation by Matthias Geissbühler, Chief Investment Officer at Notenstein La Roche Private Bank
Presentation slides: Review, outlook and trends. How the financial and capital markets have evolved and will keep evolving


February 2016 - Volkmar Voelzke

Presented by Volkmar Voelzke
Presentation slides: Personal Productivity: How to double your results – in half of the time.


April 2015 - Global Trends SA

Presented by Tracey Keys
Presentation slides: Seizing change Turning Global Trends into opportunities Executives International April 2015
Additional material: 8 Principles Poster Global Trends


January 2015 - Notenstein Private Bank

Presented by Dr. Ivan Adamovich
Presentation slides: Outlook 2015 - and beyond


May 2014 - ClearViewMedia

Presented by Ms. Claire Doole
Presentation slides: How to present with impact and confidence


February 2014 - UrbWorks Online Marketing

Presented by Ms. Kristiina Urban
Presentation slides: How to Generate Leads Through Online Marketing


April 2013 - Notenstein Private Bank

Presented by Mr. Bernard Schmid and Mr. Michael Witschi
Presentation slides: The Future of Swiss Banking


January 2013 - Forth Capital

Presented by Mr. Robert Harris (Partner, Forth Capital)
Presentation slides: Financial outlook and investment opportunities 2013


September 2012 - Wade & Co.

Presented by Mr. James “Woody” Wade (Managing Director)
Presentation slides: Exploring the present to guide us into the future


May 2012 - Notenstein Private Bank

Presented by Dr. Adrian Künzi (Notenstein Private Bank, CEO)
Presentation slides: Current challenges facing the World Economy


June 2012 - Valtronic Technologies

Presented by Mr. Timothy Cline (Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer)
Presentation slides: Swiss manufacturing: competing and winning in global markets


Paradox of Choice
TED Talks: Psychologist Barry Schwartz takes aim at a central tenet of western societies: freedom of choice. In Schwartz's estimation, choice has made us not freer but more paralyzed, not happier but more dissatisfied.


Do schools kill creativity?
TED Talks: Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.


How to get your ideas to spread
TED Talks: In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.